Busy with fractions and a two year old!

Argh! No no! Don’t crucify me! I am not tormenting my toddler because she is in troublesome two’s! No! That’s not my way of retribution for the agony and the pain my most loved and cherished two year old brings upon me! That’s just what comes naturally to me..I am a Maths teacher and a WFTM of a two year old sweetheart who belongs to a hyperactive generation. Oh! By the way if you are wondering WFTM is working first time mom! So I was saying that I have been ‘teaching’ my two year old fractions since she was 18 months, probably even before that. Not that I plan her Masters in Mathematics to be completed by the time she hits puberty.. it just happened that my baby became interested in watching animations and cartoons on TV while I slogged at my job as a teacher helping kids six times her age master Fractions! Phew! So one day a flabbergasted me - a preacher of no TV for a child, decided that it was time to take my daughter on a lifelong vacation to the magical world of Mathematics called the Mathworld. We made a little stopover in Fractionville!  I showed her a Math cartoon, a video about Fractions. It’s a little Fraction song that I encourage my young students to sing, desperate to ensure that they like me and my subject Mathematics! She loved the song, the vegetable cartoons dancing and telling about the Numerator and Denominator. That was the start of my lessons to her on Fractions… today she eats a quarter chapatti, some days a half, gives me 3 quarters and if what is served are the super expensive Oreo biscuits she gobbles up a Whole 1 or a 2 or a 3! That’s the farthest I believe she can count with one to one correspondence.

So you agree now that I do love my daughter and am not trying to inflict any sort of pain to her by introducing her to a field of study that forms a part of my passion and my ultimate calling in life.

This was one of my first shots (Cricket Fever! It’s the World Cup season!) to help you understand that Maths is easy! Yes! You heard that right! Maths is the easiest, simplest and the clearest forms of thinking that God could ever help Man design. I am a not a Math genius. I have never been nor do I believe I can ever be. the same I suppose is true for my daughter, although I would not attempt to undermine her evolving genius in any way. But being associated to Mathematics for over 30 years now, I am quite able to discern that Maths when handled positively with a little smile, humanity and in a real manner is essentially a part of who we are, what we do and how we live. It’s as real as any one of us. The fictional MathWorld that I have created for writing my Math stories used to explain math concepts is in reality not just part of the creative writing and creative teaching that I do in my everyday classroom teaching but very much near to the real world if focused at using a magnifying lens based on real life examples.


I am sure each one of you uses Maths in more than one way, we can imagine. As maths teachers and maths students it is our moral and matheligious ( Maths is my religion and of all those who ever lived in the galaxy Milky Way) duty to devise ways in which we can understand Maths better and appreciate its beauty. Even all the parents need to play their part in this universal aim, parents and would be parents too! You know research suggests that pre-natal learning plays a major part in brain development of the child. So let us all join hands and LOVE MATHS.

Ok! Enough of my appealing and convincing because I love it and I want to do it! You don’t share my passion, that’s fine. Just love and learn Maths because its so commercially viable. IT WILL MAKE YOU RICH!

 In my next blogs, I will share my Mathworld stories which have been brought to life by  few of my students who without being great in mathematics have shared my passion and trusted my love for mathematics.

Good Day! Be Happy! Be Healthy! Be MAD about MATHS!


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